Friday, September 17, 2010


I hate it when I get like this: feeling all nostalgic about the past. Seriously, where does this come from??
I came across some photos from 5 years ago, just around the time I met my husband... 5 years isn't that long is it?? If I were still a teenager it would seam like a lifetime ago, but now that I'm "old"... Still I look at those photos of us and I DO feel we were SOO young!
And life back then was so different, it does feel like a lifetime ago!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Parque Ibirapuera

We went to see a great exhibition today: Bodies....
Too bad it wasn't possible to photograph inside!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Over here in Brazil, the church is everywhere...

It always fascinates me to see all the different kinds of churches there are. They are everywhere and they come in all shapes and sizes.... here are a few photos from one of the suburbs.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Around Town

Some tacky chic ikebana we saw in Centro Cultural Sao Paulo
A heart on the wall
Random walls that caught my attention

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Things I miss the most. (edibles)

Goats cheese
Creme fraiche

the voyeur in me

There's something about other people's homes.... I have to say I'm always fascinated when I'm in somebody's house. I also like to peer through windows at opposite buildings... is that bad? Curious about how people live and what their homes look like.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday in the City

Yesterday we spent all day walking around Sao Paulo, visiting some exhibitions...
We went to the Centro Cultural Sao Paulo for the first time. It's a great building, with a library and some great spaces. We saw a really good photo exhibition featuring many photography groups from around the world including Tendence Floue , and many many more I don't remember!
Here are a couple of photos of the space.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

postcard exchange

My friend and I are going to start a postcard exchange "game"
We send each other postcards that we make ourselves.... I'm up first. This is what I'm going to send her.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Since we moved to the new apartment I've been enjoying decorating it... Of course there is still a lot of stuff missing... Things are expensive so we have to go slowly... but every new detail makes my day! Here are a couple of photos.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


It's cold here in Sao Paulo lately! Even the cars are wearing coats! ;)

Friday, August 13, 2010

windos and doors

During our last month in Barcelona we did a little tour of all the places we liked to visit them one last time....
Here are a few pictures from one of those days....